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Week 7 Part B Emerging HR Trends

Week 7 Part B Emerging HR Trends

Q Discuss three current or future trends impacting the HR profession. What opportunities and challenges might these trends present for HR and for the organization? As a human resource professional, what new skills and/or competencies would you need to further develop to adapt to these trends and to continue to be successful in your role? Use the resources provided to support your ideas.

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Discuss three current or future trends impacting the HR profession. What opportunities and challenges might these trends present for HR and for the organization? As a human resource professional, what new skills and/or competencies would you need to further develop to adapt to these trends and to continue to be successful in your role? Use the resources provided to support your ideas. The first future trend impacting the HR profession will be to not only manage the professional experience of every employee but also the overall personal life and life-balance of all employees (Kropp, 2021). This is because there will be challenges faced by employees because of the continuation of the present pandemic situation. This trend can make HR managers know employees better personally to delegate appropriate tasks to employees. However, there can be the HR manager compromising with profits at times because of the situations of some employees in the pandemic situation. Therefore, there will be challenges for the HR manager to balance profit-earning and employee-retainment. The second future trend impacting the HR profession will be that employees would be willing to sustain their positions in their preferred companies only when political as well as societal debates on issues of the modern world are addressed by participation of the preferred